Putting LinkedIn to Work
for HEMP Industry Folks


Learn what is most important for insightful hemp industry professionals and how to promote your hemp industry business operations more effectively. Enjoy free resources for inexperienced users and advanced users alike. See additional LinkedIn resources above.

We are happy to have a short 1-on-1 chat to discuss your specific situation, team or company. It’s free and it will surely be an eye opener.

Business Owners

As the leader of your business, you set the standard for others in your company with your LinkedIn presence.

Revenue Producers

When you are responsible for bringing in revenues, you need the power of LinkedIn to find and engage your market


Hemp business owners are on LinkedIn and they are easy to find, many seek capital to expand their operations.

What You Need... LinkedIn presentation from the Texas Hemp Convention

Integrated Alliances CEO and Founder Mike O’Neil presenting “Growing your hemp business with LinkedIn” at Kush.com’s Texas Hemp Convention in Dallas Jan 29th, 2020. Enjoy the presentation as slides-audio or on-stage. It’s the same 45-minute presentation.

A powerful LinkedIn profile

to represent you

The single most important thing on LinkedIn for hemp industry folks is your LinkedIn profile. People are checking you out online at all times of day. So ask yourself – what do they see?

The right combination of text (with keywords), images, “personal story” and LinkedIn recommendations. 
FREE 4-page Profile Writing Guide


What You Need…

A LinkedIn network filled with all the right folks

Who you are and who you know is the combination. Your LinkedIn network can be filled with people of your choosing who can help your business operations. This means it is you that reaches out.

You may choose who is best for you and your business and LinkedIn can identify them and add them to your network

What You Need…

Relationship-building LinkedIn Campaigns 

LinkedIn campaigns combine your optimized LinkedIn profile, special LinkedIn messages and a carefully selected list of potential hemp industry connections. Learn what needs to be done in LinkedIn campaigns, who does them and how to best do do them in our 20-page White Paper.

FREE LinkedIn Campaigns White Paper


What You Need…

Systems to simplify your operations and deliver results.

A lot of things come together to make your LinkedIn experience more fruitful and more manageable. 

The LinkedIn industry is rich in special processes, systems and tools and our vast expertise puts their awesome power to work for you.

What You Need... A free 1-on-1 LinkedIn session

If you would like to learn what LinkedIn can do for you, personally, or perhaps for your team or business, sign up for a free 30-minute call. Learn directly from Mike O’Neil, 2x Forbes Top 50 Social Media Influencer, 15-year LinkedIn expert and coach. It matters little where you are at now with LinkedIn.