Social Selling with The Eagles – Already Gone by @mikeoneilrocks

Social Selling is about many things. But first and foremost it is about getting attention and keeping their interest – what people see and read. It is about relationship building and this article deals with the start of many of those relationships. Sorry to say this, but your profile might be killing business prospects and […]
The LinkedIn Profile Header – How to Improve Your Look

Integrated Alliances has the specific detail you need to take advantage this new LinkedIn profile header. Everything you need to know including the size and specific dimensions are below. I saw this coming and I bet many of you did as well. What is good for one social media platform is good for them all […]
What happens when you get 24 #LinkedIn Experts in the Same Room?
(EDITOR’S NOTE: This post is from one of our Rockstar Team members, Petra Fisher following our 10th Anniversary Celebration in Denver CO the last week of November, 2012) 21 #LinkedIn Tips from 7 Experts Three weeks ago I made a whirlwind trip from Amsterdam to Denver Colorado to share the stage with social media experts […]