Your Social Media presence grows every day. You do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and thousands of people enter your LinkedIn network, handfuls follow you on Twitter, somehow people find you and invite you to be friends on Facebook.
For some, there are even subscribers filling out forms on your Web site, commenting on your blog, pinning your pictures to their Pinterest boards.
With all these people looking at you, in all these places, it begs a question. What do I look like? Is your look and feel attracting business and opportunities or is something else happening when others “get a good closer look”. You just don’t know who you are turning away. Is it time for a Social Media Make-Over?
There is no blame. Things are created at different times. The platforms themselves change. Facebook timelines are in, FBML Facebook Pages are out. Heck, I remember when LinkedIn got rofile pictures for the first time. What a day it was!
This is the first is a multi-part series covering a new approach to a Social Media Make-Over. It comes from a project I actually went through and with great success.
Components of your Social Media Presence
The areas that come into play in the scope of this story include:
- Words – LinkedIn Headline, Twitter BIO, YouTube BIO, Facebook Info Page
- Photo – LinkedIn Headshot, Facebook Photo, Twitter Picture, YouTube Picture
- Graphics – Logo, Twitter Background, Facebook Timeline Cover, YouTube Background
- Links – What you connect to outside the page
- Banners/Sidebars – Web Site, Blog
How to start your Social Media Make-Over
- Get your yourself logged into LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and your online social assets. Locate your Web site Home Page and your Blog. Note the URL.
- Get on your trusty Word Processor and make a new blank file.
Visit these pages and take a screen shot of each
- LinkedIn Profile Header (Top of profile – view option)
- LinkedIn Company Page (Top)
- Facebook Profile (Top of Profile – public view option)
- Facebook Company Page (Top of Page – public view option)
- YouTube Channel (Top) – SEE “BEFORE” EXAMPLE AT RIGHT
- Paste the screen shots into the file, along with the URL so you can easily revisit it
- Do this for all of your LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Web Site and blog properties
- Print the document out IN COLOR
- Lay it out on a table, pages side by side, and see what you look like. These will be your BEFORE pictures.
In the next installment, we will talk about analyzing what you see and making some quick and simple corrections. Then we will move on to discuss brand new Social Media Make-over strategies.
SIDE NOTE – consider a URL site (like ItsMyURL’s) when you are done. You can use a simple URL (line to redirect to it. All of your Social Media links are there for people.