Why LinkedIn Sales Navigator requires a social media policy

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is the top of the mountain with LinkedIn and sales activity. This product rolled out in 2014 with a major revision late in the year. It is now being widely adopted by large companies as well as companies that sell to large companies. Sales Navigator helps you discover Leads within Accounts in […]
Get more appointments with online scheduling tools

Get more appointments using inexpensive online scheduling tools and save time too. It’s almost impossible to schedule a call with someone today, especially with prospects and customers. Vendors are the first to get dissed. It’s classic – “Are you available for the call on Tuesday at 10am or Thursday at 2pm?” You block off both […]
URL Programming by @mikeoneilrocks

Working in the online environment isn’t always easy. Sometimes knowing a little bit about what is happening behind the scenes can help. This is one of those instances. When you do advanced searches on LinkedIn it actually results in a very large and complex “URL” in the search window above. This URL incorporates the advanced […]
Social Selling with The Eagles – Already Gone by @mikeoneilrocks

Social Selling is about many things. But first and foremost it is about getting attention and keeping their interest – what people see and read. It is about relationship building and this article deals with the start of many of those relationships. Sorry to say this, but your profile might be killing business prospects and […]
Social Selling with The Eagles – One Of These Nights by @mikeoneilrocks

You’ve heard this, or something like it before. I need to improve my LinkedIn profile and I’ll get to it “One of These Nights.” It is on a list of “somedays” that we all have that probably also includes exercising more, eating better or cleaning out the basement. If you are going to begin social […]
#SocialSelling with The Eagles – Pretty Maids All In A Row by @mikeoneilrocks

When its only you that you have to be concerned about, life can be pretty simple (like one cat). Make it a team effort and all bets are off. Chances are your team is not “pretty maids all in a row” on LinkedIn but it CAN be. That brings us to the topic of marketing, […]
The LinkedIn Profile Header – How to Improve Your Look

Integrated Alliances has the specific detail you need to take advantage this new LinkedIn profile header. Everything you need to know including the size and specific dimensions are below. I saw this coming and I bet many of you did as well. What is good for one social media platform is good for them all […]
Turn Your Gathering Into A Networking Event

Is a gathering of 2 or more an event? 3 or more? 10 or more? Well, it could be, especially for those with an eye toward networking and marketing and maybe it can be a lot of fun too. We’ve pioneered this simple little technique for turning casual gatherings into something bigger, especially when traveling. […]
LinkedIn Rockstar Music Review – James Blunt Moon Landing

LinkedIn Rockstar Music Review – James Blunt Moon Landing It was 2006 when I became a true James Blunt fan and I remember it very well. I was living in downtown Denver and, almost by accident, I strolled by the Paramount Theater. It was early April, about 5:30 and there was a buzz about the […]
LinkedIn Benefits for Business Travelers
More and more, the top people in online industries are teaming up for collaborations. In the 70’s we would have been musicians at the Hyatt House on Sunset Blvd hanging out with Peter Frampton, David Bowie, Mick Jagger and the like. Wait, that can still happen can’t it? I was asked to participate in the […]